Scholieren die deelnemen aan activiteiten in het bezoekerscentrum van DNB

Financial education

If you know more about money matters you will make wiser financial choices. That benefits not only you, but also our economy as a whole. This is why we are committed to financial education at De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). We have taken several initiatives and work alongside other parties.

Education programmes for school teachers

We provide a wide range of education programmes to support school teachers, varying from educational packages and online lessons to tools and animations. Teachers can use these in their classroom lessons. We have developed our own teaching programmes for secondary and higher education, while we provide materials for use in primary schools in partnership with the Money Wise Platform.

Money Wise Platform

The Money Wise Platform brings together experts from the financial sector, public administration and the education system. Together, they promote responsible financial behaviour by providing information and calculation tools and offering tailored teaching programmes for schools. We are a founding member of the Money Wise Platform.

Read more about the Money Wise Platform

National Money Week

This is perhaps the Money Wise Platform's best known initiative. During the annual National Money Week, financial sector professionals give free guest lessons and organise workshops at primary schools throughout the Netherlands. The aim is to teach children in a fun way how to handle money responsibly. Dozens of DNB staff members volunteer to give such guest lessons every year.