
Working on trust. That is what we are committed to at De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). With our 2,000 diverse and engaged staff members we seek to provide answers to current economic and social questions.

An organisation with many tasks

  • DNB is a public limited company incorporated under Dutch law. The Dutch State is the sole shareholder.
  • We are part of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and the Eurosystem, in which we collaborate with our European counterparts in the areas of monetary policy, payment systems and foreign exchange operations.
  • We are part of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), which is responsible for European banking supervision.
  • We are part of the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM), which is responsible for orderly resolution of failing banks in the euro area.
  • We are an independent public body with a national mandate for supervision, resolution and the deposit guarantee scheme (DGS).

Independence and confidentiality

We have an independent mandate for our monetary policy and payment systems tasks. Our independence is also important in view of our special advisory role. We report to the Dutch ministries of Finance and Social Affairs and Employment about our supervisory activities. Monetary policy decisions for the euro countries are also independent of national and political interests. In addition to independence, confidentiality is also crucial. Like the other central banks and supervisory authorities in the European Union, we treat the information we receive from and about financial institutions with the strictest confidentiality. After all, some information must remain confidential for reasons of competition-sensitivity, or because certain situations could become worse if they became known to the public. Of course, we will still take any required action.

Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) ties in perfectly with our mission and strategy. As a central bank, supervisor and resolution authority, we are committed to financial stability and contribute to sustainable prosperity in the Netherlands. We believe it is important that economic growth should not harm our living environment, and that everyone should have equal access to financial products and services. Our CSR strategy describes what we do to promote this. To achieve our CSR objectives we cooperate with other parties in the Netherlands and abroad, such as the Sustainable Finance Platform and the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS).

We also apply CSR principles to our own organisation. We invest our reserves in a sustainable manner and have integrated sustainability in our operational management. We also support organisations that promote sustainability. For example, the Koning Willem I Foundation, which is chaired by our President, Klaas Knot. Every two years, the foundation awards the Koning Willem I Plaquette for sustainable entrepreneurship.


Integrity is at the heart of our organisation. We believe it is important that our employees are conscious of their behaviour. Because ethical conduct breeds trust, both in our institution and in society as a whole.

This is why anyone who works with us or for us must comply with certain rules of conduct. For example, employees cannot make investments in the institutions we supervise. Or accept gifts or invitations from external parties. There are also rules for secondary positions and activities. And they must handle information very carefully, much of which is sensitive.

Our independent Compliance & Integrity (C&I) Department is charged with fostering the integrity of DNB and its employees.  It advises on and monitors compliance with the integrity regulations and rules of conduct. Here is an overview of the various regulations that our employees and Governing Board must follow, as well as several interesting videos on the subject.

If you have any questions about our integrity regulations, please contact the C&I Department by email at

Organisation chart DNB

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