Find your way at DNB

Below, we provide various telephone numbers and email addresses, as well as information you need when visiting De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB).

Telephone and email

If you don't have a regular contact at DNB but wish to ask us something, feel free to contact us on business days between 9:00 and 15:30.

  • Email:
  • Telephone: 0800 020 1068 (freephone in the Netherlands) or +31 20 524 9111 (if you call us from abroad)

If have a question for your regular contact at DNB, please contact our reception staff on business days between 9:00 and 17:00. They will be happy to put you through.

  • Telephone: +31 20 524 9111.

If you wish to speak to one of our press officers, you can find their contact details and areas of expertise on our press officers page.

How to send us a secure email

You can encrypt your email using PGP or S/MIME.

  • PGP: Signature ID EC7BC8B5, Fingerprint: 1D39 CEC6 7C8C CC25 8C8E C709 9380 DDFF EC7B C8B5. See the download: PGP public key (ZIP, 2.5 kB)
  • S/MIME: version no. 42e6d7d22d85805464a3e6611629f77d, Fingerprint: 0CD5 1B4B D4E3 6547 D65A 4EC8 CFA0 1D0C 0F30 1EC0.
    See the download: S/MIME public key (ZIP, 2,0 kB)
  • DNB Root & Intermediate certificates
    See the download:DNB Root & Intermediate certificates (ZIP, 9,0 kB)

You can call us to verify the authenticity of these keys with your contact at DNB.

De Nederlandsche Bank N.V. (DNB) processes personal data in the performance of its tasks. Click here to read how and why we process personal data.

How to share large files with us

If you wish to send or receive files in excess of 60 MB securely, we ask that you use ShareFile. Please refer to the instructions for use. For smaller files you can use secure email.

Visitor registration and identity verification

When you visit us, we verify your identity against your ID document. We register your name, the reason for your visit, the name of your contact at DNB, your email address and the number of your identity document. You then get a visitor card, so that we can track your movements in our building.

We also scan your identity document to verify its authenticity. Scanning might produce an alert, for example, if the identity document is stolen. If our system produces an alert,  we contact the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee or the police. We do not retain scans and delete any other personal data six months after your visit. Read more about how we handle personal details in our privacy statement.

Parking facilities

There are no parking spaces for visitors.

Filing an objection to a decision we have taken

If you disagree with a decision we have taken, you can file an objection as an interested party. You can do so by filing a notice of objection.