Integrity Reporting Desk financial institutions

You can report suspected wrongdoing at a financial institution to us. The DNB Integrity Reporting Desk can investigate your report and take action. On this page you will find an overview of the different options, and the conditions that apply.

Conditions for reporting wrongdoing

You can report various types of wrongdoing to us. Several conditions apply, however.    

  • Your report must be about a financial institution, such as a bank, an insurer, a pension fund or a crypto service provider.
  • You work or used to work at or for the financial institution, for example as an employee, a self-employed person, a temporary worker, an intern or a volunteer. Or you are or were a supplier, a consultant, a supervisory board member or a shareholder.
  • Your suspicion of wrongdoing must be based on reasonable grounds. You must have seen or experienced the wrongdoing yourself, meaning it may not be hearsay. 
  • Examples of wrongdoing include fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest and money laundering, as well as other instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations or social wrongdoing. Providing financial services without a licence issued by us is such an instance of non-compliance.

What the DNB Integrity Reporting Desk can do for you

If your report of wrongdoing meets these conditions, we will consider it. We may decide to investigate the matter or take other action, but we do not provide advice, victim support, pay a financial reward or offer the reporter legal representation.  

Report to DNB or to the institution    

You can report wrongdoing directly to us, So you do not need to contact the financial institution first. If the institution can effectively address the wrongdoing without any risk of reprisal, then you should preferably first report your suspicion to the institution itself. Reporting to the institution itself is usually more effective, as it allows individuals within the organisation to take prompt action.   

Report in your own name or anonymously  

You can report wrongdoing to DNB in your own name or anonymously. If you file a report in your own name, we may contact you for additional information. Alternatively, you can provide an email address that cannot be traced back to you, so that we can ask you questions by email. Lastly, you can report wrongdoing anonymously without providing an email address. In that case, you must substantiate your suspicion of wrongdoing in detail because we will be unable to contact you for additional information. If any information is lacking, we may be unable to investigate your report or take other action.  

Protection of whistleblowers  

People who report wrongdoing are protected under the Whistleblowers Protection Act. One of its provisions is that an employer may not dismiss or otherwise disadvantage a reporter. However, you must meet certain conditions as a reporter. This is why we recommend that you consider seeking legal advice or legal representation. Read more about the protection of whistleblowers

Your privacy and your statutory duty to disclose your identity   

We treat your data confidentially and record your name and contact details if you did not report anonymously. But keep in mind that your identity may still become known even if you report anonymously. If the institution is aware of the report of wrongdoing, it may be able to trace it back to you. For example, because you are one of the few who know about the wrongdoing. Also, in highly exceptional cases, we are obliged by law disclose the identity of a reporter to third parties. For example, because of legal proceedings or criminal investigations. Of course, we will let you know if this is the case. Read more about our privacy statement.

How to report wrongdoing   

You can report wrongdoing to the DNB Integrity Reporting Desk in several ways:   

  • Completing the DNB Integrity Reporting Desk (online)   
  • email:   
  • Writing to us at:  

De Nederlandsche Bank N.V. 
Attn. Integrity Reporting Desk
PO Box 98
1000 AB Amsterdam    

  • Calling us at: 0800 020 1068 (calls are recorded)  
  • Talking to us in person: request a meeting by mail, post or telephone.

The data we need   

We do not expect you to provide conclusive evidence about the suspected wrongdoing, but we always need several details. These include in any case:   

  • The name of the institution 
  • the concrete facts: where and when the wrongdoing took place

Information that is useful but not necessary includes:

  • The names of the person(s) involved in these facts
  • photographs or copies of emails or other supporting documents 

How we follow up on your report  

Within a week, we will send an acknowledgement of receipt to the email address you provided, unless you have requested not to send it. Supervisors will review your report, and we may then investigate it and take action. We cannot tell you how we conduct our investigation, due to our legal duty of confidentiality. This means we will not send you any further updates on the status of your report. If we find that we do not have competence to take action on your report we may forward it to the competent authority. Before doing so, we will always ask you for permission first. 

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