Working together
The NFPS brings together the main stakeholders in the Dutch payment system. Its participants represent various groups from both the demand side (such as consumers and retailers) and supply side (such as bank and payment institutions) of payment services.
The participants of the NFPS are:
- De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) (chair and secretariat)
- ANBO-PCOB (senior citizens)
- Betaalvereniging Nederland (Dutch Payments Association)
- BOVAG/Vereniging Energie voor Mobiliteit en Industrie (VEMOBIN)/Drive (energy stations)
- Consumentenbond (consumers)
- Centraal Bureau Levensmiddelenhandel (CBL) and Raad Nederlandse Detailhandel (RND) (food- and non-food retail businesses)
- Goede Doelen Nederland (charitable organisations)
- Ieder(in) (people with functional and/or mental impairments and/or chronic illnesses)
- Koepel Gepensioneerden, NOOM, SOMNL, Senioren Netwerk Nederland (senior citizens) and ABC (low-literate people)
- Koninklijke Horeca Nederland (hospitality businesses)
- MKB-Nederland (SMEs)
- Nationale Winkelraad (NWR) (SME retailers)
- Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken (Dutch Banking Association)
- Oogvereniging (visually impaired people)
- (web shops)
- Verenigde Betaalinstellingen Nederland (payment institutions)
- Verenigde Groot Incassanten (large companies, such as energy suppliers and insurance companies, using direct debits to collect money from the payments accounts of their customers)
The Dutch Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy act as observers in the NFPS.