DNB issues new version of country risk report

Today, we published version 2.0.0 of our country risk report. It has been expanded to comply with the new requirements of the BIS consolidated banking statistics. Based on these requirements, we will also publish a new user manual by mid-July 2020.

The main change in the taxonomy concerns the introduction of additional columns to allow further break-downs of claims on an immediate basis. The new BIS requirements more emphatically rely on prudential reporting principles.

Banks must use version 2.0.0 to submit their country risk report effective from the 2020-Q4 reference period. The submission deadline for this reference period is 25 February 2021.

You can find the taxonomy under “user documentation” or click here.

Should you have any questions, please contact the relevant banking supervision department at supervisory_data_requests@dnb.nl. You may submit questions about the taxonomy by email to xbrl@dnb.nl.