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Final draft ITS on Supervisory Reporting - CRR3/CRD6 step 1

DNB draws the banks’ attention to the press release of the EBA of 9 July 2024 regarding an update of the reporting framework under CRR3.
The adjustments from 1 January 2025 are the first step in adapting to the reporting framework under CRR3. Therefore it affects the reports from Q1 2025.
The publication of the DPM 4.0 is expected in Q4 2024. Due to tight timelines, an additional and extended submission period has been provided only for the Q1 2025 reports impacted by CRR3 (instead of 12 May 2025 to the end of June 2025). This applies to the submission of the COREP_OF and COREP_LR reports.

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