Loan of items from the National Numismatic Collection

De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) regularly lends objects from the National Numismatic Collection (NNC) to museums. We think it is important to showcase this aspect of our cultural heritage. By exhibiting the items, everyone has the opportunity to view them.

Museums that currently have objects on loan

Objects have been loaned to:

Conditions of our loan policy

Many objects from the NNC have considerable value and are sometimes irreplaceable. We therefore impose conditions on borrowers, including security and climate control measures. We loan objects loan free of charge.

Conditions loan policy (Dutch)

Loan of objects is tailored work

Our custodians are happy to provide you with advice on which items from the NNC would be most compatible with the borrower's preferences, requirements and objectives. We can provide texts for publications and digital images free of charge.

Do you want to know more about our loan policy?

If you want more information about DNB's loan policy and terms and conditions, email us at