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Coin Meester B.V.

Crypto service providers

Last update: 27 September 2024 04:00

  • Statutory name: Coin Meester B.V.
  • Trade name: BCM Today, BCM, bcmtoday.com, Coin Meester B.V., Bitcoinmeester, Bitcoin Meester, Bitladon
  • Statutory seat: AALSMEER, NEDERLAND
  • Chamber of Commerce: 68955820
  • LEI code: 7245007MNXMTSKSC5J74
  • Relation number DNB: R179378
  • Category: Dienstverlener uitgezonderd van PSD2, Aanbieder cryptodiensten, Aanbieder cryptodiensten
  • Disclosure Vwb het aanbieden van cryptodiensten staat Coin Meester B.V. niet onder prudentieel toezicht van DNB of onder gedragstoezicht van de AFM. / Regarding the offering of crypto services Coin Meester B.V. is not subject to the prudential supervision of DNB or the conduct of business supervision of the AFM.


Business address

  • Adress: Boeingavenue 219
  • Postal code: 1119PD
  • Place of residence: SCHIPHOL-RIJK
  • Country: Netherlands

Internet address


Article Date of entrance
Article 23b. Custodian wallet providers 20/12/2021
Article 23b. Providers engaged in exchange services between virtual currencies and fiat currencies 13/11/2020