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Kostas Mavromatis

Kostas Mavromatis

Kostas Mavromatis

Economics & Research Division

Short bio

Kostas Mavromatis is a principal economist at the Research Department of DNB. Previously he worked as an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam. He visited the research department of the Central Bank of Cyprus in the summer of 2009. He also visited the research department of the Bank of Greece in the spring of 2017. His research covers the areas of international economics, monetary and fiscal policy interactions and on bounded rationality.


2012: Ph. D Economics, University of Warwick (UK)
2007: M. Sc Economics, University of Warwick (UK)

Research interests

  • International Economics and Finance
  • Monetary Policy
  • Fiscal Policy
  • Models with Bounded Rationality

Working papers

The Global Macroeconomics of a Trade War. The EAGLE model on the US-China trade conflict (with Wilko Bolt and Sweder van Wijnbergen), DNB Working Paper No. 623, February 2019. Download

Interest Rate Rules, Exchange Market Pressure and Successful Exchange Rate Management (with Franc Klaassen), 2016; Earlier version also in Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers

Publications in refereed journals

Kostas Mavromatis and Joep Lustenhouwer (2023), The effects of fiscal policy when planning horizons are finite, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, forthcoming. Download

Pablo Garcia, Pascal Jacquinot, Crt Lenarcic and Matija Lozej and Kostas Mavromatis (2023), Global models for a global pandemic: the impact of Covid-19 on small euro area economies, Journal of Macroeconomics 77, 103551. Download

Cars Hommes, Kostas Mavromatis, Tolga Özden and Mei Zhu (2023), Behavioral learning equilibria in New Keynesian models, Quantitative Economics, forthcoming. Download

Serdar Kabaca, Renske Maas, Kostas Mavromatis and Romanos Priftis (2023), Optimal quantitative easing in a monetary union, European Economic Review 152, 104342. Download

Gavin Goy, Cars Hommes and Kostas Mavromatis (2022), Forward guidance and the role of central bank credibility under heterogeneous beliefs, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 1240-1274. Download

Jakob de Haan, Kostas Mavromatis and Garyn Tan (2020), Individual inflation forecasts and monetary policy announcements, Economics Letters 197, 109602. Download

Kostas Mavromatis (2020), Finite horizons and the monetary/fiscal policy mix, International Journal of Central Banking 16(4), 327-378. Download

Kostas Mavromatis (2018), US Monetary Regimes and Optimal Monetary Policy in the Euro Area, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 50(7), 1441-1478. Download

Cars Hommes, Joep Lustenhouwer and Kostas Mavromatis (2018), Fiscal consolidations and heterogeneous expectations, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 87, 173-205. Download

Gianna Boero, Kostas Mavromatis and Mark P. Taylor (2015), Real exchange rates and transition economies, Journal of International Money and Finance 56, 23-35. Download

Roel Beetsma and Kostas Mavromatis (2014), An analysis of Eurobonds, Journal of International Money and Finance 45, 91-111. Download

See also my personal webpage.

Latest update: September 2023