
De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) is responsible for the oversight of payment and securities transactions. We monitor them to prevent systemic risks and serious disruptions in the payment and securities systems.

Oversight of what?

Our oversight of payment systems focuses on institutions, systems and products that are relevant to payments in the Netherlands. Examples include TARGET2NL, Currence (iDEAL), Mastercard Europe and equensWorldline. Our oversight of securities transactions focuses on institutions and systems that handle the clearing and settlement of securities and derivatives transactions in the Netherlands. Examples include central counterparties (Cboe Clear Europe and ICE Clear Netherlands) and central securities depositories (Euroclear Netherlands).

List of institutions under oversight

Download List of institutions under oversight

Oversight: what we do

DNB contributes to the proper functioning of the payment system and thus to financial stability. We do so by setting requirements for institutions, systems and products based on rules and regulations.

Regulatory framework

Download Regulatory framework

Examples include the following:

  • Institutions must have the capacity to process transactions quickly and continuously. Maintaining two data centres helps to ensure continuity of services: should one of them fail, the other can immediately take over transaction processing.
  • Institutions must process transactions securely. This means they must be able to anticipate cyberattacks and recover quickly from any cybercrime-related disruptions.
  • Institutions must have adequate risk management. This way they can identify and monitor the risks for their institution and customers and take appropriate risk control measures.
  • Institutions must have a suitable board. This is why DNB assesses board members on fitness and propriety. 

Oversight in the European context

We carry out many of our oversight activities together with our European and global partners. The national central bank of the country where an institution has its registered office bears primary responsibility for oversight. If an institution also operates in other countries, the central banks of those countries also bear part of this responsibility. Read more on oversight in the euro area

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