Why this page?
Since the TARGET Consolidation is a Eurosystem project, both the Eurosystem - i.e. the ECB and all EU central banks with the euro as national currency - and DNB as one of the Eurosystem central banks have a role to play. Information which is shared on Eurosystem level is mostly published on the ECB website – e.g. UDFS User Defined Functional Specifications and the project’s milestones planning. DNB’s website provides information specific to DNB or requested from the TARGET2 participants who have opened accounts via DNB.
Useful links on www.ecb.europa.eu.
TARGET Consolidation on the ECB website:
Note: the link to governance information gives access to information from other parties made public in the Payments & Markets domain. Filtering is possible using a search term e.g. T2/T2S, AMI-Pay or Instant Payments.
Network Service Provider
Swift and Sia-Colt are the two Network Service Providers that were awarded NSP concession contracts after the Eurosystem NSP section tender procedure. Both NSPs are bound by maximum prices and provide services for low volume access. You need to select your own NSP. The Eurosystem takes no role in this process other than your successful selection in your readiness report to DNB.
Readiness Reporting
The Eurosystem imposes readiness reporting on all its account holders because of the magnitude of the TARGET consolidation project, with the introduction and mandatory use of ISO20022 messaging. The results of the readiness reporting will be made public on the ECB website.
Registration Form
The new Registration Form replaces all Target Registration forms
The User Testing calendar provides information on each testing day. Only the active version is provided.
Migration Weekend (Dress) Rehearsals
The MW(D)R documents provides further information on steps to be taken in preparation to and during the Migration Weekend (Dress) Rehearsals.