Licensing requirement for payment service providers (overview)

Dutch consumers and the economy as a whole stand to benefit from a varied range of financial products and services, which is why we welcome new and innovative parties to the market. A safe, innovative, reliable and responsible financial sector can contribute towards sustainable prosperity in the Netherlands, which is what De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) seeks to achieve.

Anyone that provides payment services in the Netherlands must either hold the appropriate licence issued by DNB or be excepted or exempted from the licensing requirement. A payment service provider may start operations only after DNB has issued its licence or after it has entered the provider in the register as an exempt payment service provider, unless it is excepted from the licensing requirement by law.

More information

This section of Open Book on Supervision provides payment service providers with relevant information about market access. You can also find explanations of the most important concepts and the statutory provisions relevant to market access and the licensing requirement.


If you are an innovative financial services or products provider, you can visit the InnovationHub, a joint initiative of supervisors DNB and the Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM), with any questions you may have about the applicability of rules and regulations.

The InnovationHub offers innovative entrepreneurs and incumbent market operators the opportunity to discuss regulatory issues directly with the relevant supervisory authority, irrespective of whether they are currently subject to supervision. the InnovationHub aims to create room for innovation in the financial sector.

Any questions?

With questions you can always contact us. You can reach us in several ways:

By mail

De Nederlandsche Bank NV
Expert Centre on Market Access
PO Box 98
1000 AB Amsterdam


DNB Information Desk, open on business days between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm (0800 020 10 68 in the Netherlands, or +31 20 524 91 11 if calling from abroad).

E-mail (please state your name, address and telephone number)

We will not consider anonymous questions. 

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