Application for Initial Assessment


An initial fit and proper assessment takes place upon a proposed appointment or if incumbent management or supervisory board members change their position or remit within the same institution. In the case of applications for authorisation or declarations of no-objection (DNOs), policymakers and co-policymakers are also assessed on fitness and/or propriety or reputation.

Published: 01 April 2017

You may submit your application form through Supervisory applications on My DNB. You need e-herkenning (e-Recognition) to use this. Be sure to complete the form truthfully and in full, and add all required documentation as an annex to the form.


If you have any questions, please contact DNB’s Information Desk on 0800 020 10 68 in the Netherlands, or +31 20 524 91 11 if you call from abroad. You can also send an email to