Withdrawal of the licence

If you wish to withdraw your licence, you can submit an application for withdrawal, indicating that you intend to discontinue your institution's activities that are subject to a licence requirement. Please contact your account supervisor to obtain an overview of the information you will have to submit with your application. Based on your application for withdrawal we will assess whether the licence can be withdrawn and we will send you our decision. In case of withdrawal of a banking licence, the decision is issued by the European Central Bank (ECB). If your licence is withdrawn, we will remove your institution's registration from our public register.

Please note that you must file your application for licence withdrawal -other than a banking licence - through the online service Supervisory applications. The application for withdrawal of a banking licence is submitted through the IMAS Portal of the ECB.

Prior to submitting your application, please contact your account supervisor or your contact at DNB to verify which information we need to assess your application for withdrawal.

We can assess your application only if you submit a fully and correctly completed application form and enclose all required documents. We will start reviewing your application immediately after receiving it. We will first verify whether you completed the form in full and attached all required documents. If we find that information is missing, you will be given the opportunity to supplement your application within a specified deadline. Please note that this will increase the total processing time for your application.

No charges apply.

Any other questions?

Please contact your account supervisor or your contact at DNB if you have any questions. Alternatively, you can contact DNB's Information Desk at 0800 020 1068 in the Netherlands, or +31 20 524 91 11 if you call from abroad. You can also send an email to info@dnb.nl.