Good Practices on data quality put up for consultation

We have established that in many cases the quality of prudential reporting has room for improvement. Therefore, we have published good practices on data quality.

Published: 25 July 2024

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In 2023, we established that prudential reporting by investment firms and investment fund managers differs widely in terms of quality and that in many cases there is room for improvement. This is why we felt the need to draw up good practices that provide the sector with guidance on how to improve the quality of their reports.

We put up for consultation the first version for consultation from 25 October to 13 December 2023. We thank the sector associations (DUFAS, ATP and VV&A), which responded to the consultation.

The good practices document “Guidance on prudential reporting for investment firms and investment fund managers” (hereafter: good practices) is to provide an overview of good practices in prudential reporting (FINREP and IFREP). We aim to provide guidance to help institutions take additional measures to ensure the quality of their prudential reporting. High-quality reporting helps us perform our task as a supervisory authority effectively and efficiently and prevent prudential problems.

We expect institutions to check whether the good practices give them reason to modify their processes and procedures. The good practices document can be found here.

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