Mandate and multi-annual statistics program

Under the Dutch Bank Act (Bankwet) DNB must perform a statistics function, i.e. collect statistical information and compile statistics. 

This task is based on the following regulations and legislation:

  • Regulations of the European Central Bank (ECB).
  • Dutch External Financial Relations Act (Wet financiële betrekkingen buitenland – Wfbb).
  • Law on the Central bureau of statistics (Wet op het Centraal bureau voor de statistiek).

In addition, and in accordance with the Eurosystem mission, the ESBC statistics are regulated by a set of principles concerning the institutional environment, statistical processes and the statistical output. This all can be found in the following ESCB public declaration, which contains guidelines for the mission and goals by DNB’s statistics division.  

Multi-Annual Statistics Program 2023-2025

By establishing a multi-annual statistics program, DNB can be more transparent towards end users about the statistics it intends to develop and refine over the next three years. DNB distinguishes three themes in the program:

  1. Flexibility to meet future data demand.
  2. Further improve the quality of our statistics.
  3. Maximum accessibility to existing and new data.

DNB Multi-Annual Statistics Program 2023-2025

Download DNB Multi-Annual Statistics Program 2023-2025

Developing and improving statistics

The legal framework is revised on an ongoing basis, which allows us to improve the quality of our statistics and create new ones to identify current trends and provide policymakers with relevant figures. For instance, we develop statistics at European level on the operations of investment funds, securitisation vehicles and money market funds.

We are also taking steps to generate more in-depth insights, for instance in the Securities Holdings Statistics (SHS), the European database on investors’ equity and bond holdings. These statistics are based on detailed data collected by all euro area central banks.