National and international partners

In collecting data and developing statistics, we actively collaborate with various partners, nationally as well as internationally.

Statistics Netherlands

We collaborate closely with Statistics Netherlands (CBS). In our collaboration, we seek to:
  • make our national statistics processes more efficient
  • increase the quality and consistency of our statistics
  • reduce the reporting burden on institutions

We have divided responsibilities between us in terms of collecting data from institutions and assume each other's obligations. The tasks are allocated such that we focus on monetary trends and the development of the financial sector. Statistics Netherlands uses the data on financial institutions we have collected to prepare the National Accounts. Conversely, in compiling statistics and performing other tasks we use data collected by Statistics Netherlands, including on inflation, mortgage debt and house prices.


As a member of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and the Eurosystem, we collaborate with our European counterparts in the areas of monetary policy, payment systems and foreign exchange operations. This includes collecting data on financial and economic developments, using uniform definitions and categories. In this video, the ECB underlines the importance of reliable statistics for monetary policy. All collected data are centralised in the ECB Data Portal. The webpage Main Figures | ECB Data Portal presents a set of key financial and monetary data on the euro area countries in a visual and thematic way. See here for additional information on euro area statistics


We are involved in IMF initiatives to improve the comparability of statistics on the financial sector, capital flows and financial interconnectedness. To this end, we publish a set of data tables. We also participate in IMF consultations on guidelines for compiling the balance of payments. The Netherlands meets the requirements of SDDS Plus, the upper tier of the IMF's data dissemination standards for countries with systemically important financial sectors.


We also deliver data to the OECD, particularly regarding inward direct investment and institutional investors. The data about institutional investors – pension funds, insurers and investment funds – are based on National Accounts figures on these sectors (see under National Accounts and Institutional Investors Statistics). The figures in the National Accounts are mutually aligned and processed, which is why the data deviate from our own statistics for these investors.