Bank mortgage lending rates

The average interest lending rate on new mortgage loans taken out from banks has been trending down in recent years. In part, this is owing to the ECB's accommodative monetary policy to stimulate the economy. In addition, new mortgage lenders have entered the market. In 2022, mortgage interest rates rose again, in part because the ECB has adjusted its interest rate policy in a bid to fight inflation. We only collect mortgage lending rate data from banks, i.e. not from other financial institutions.

Rates charged on newly issued mortgage loans

Besides general market conditions, a mortgage rate for an individual borrower depends on two factors: the risk category of the loan and the term of the fixed-rate period the borrower chooses. Generally, a high risk category and a long fixed-rate period result in a higher mortgage rate. The chart below shows the trend in bank lending rates for new customers by fixed-rate period.

Interest rates on outstanding mortgage loans

Bank lending rates on outstanding residential mortgages held by households in the Netherlands picked up in the second half of 2022 after a long period of rate decreases. This due to rising ECB (policy) interest rates.

Volume of new mortgage loans by fixed-rate period

This chart shows the volume of newly issued mortgage loans by fixed-rate period. The very low interest rates in recent years have made it attractive for homebuyers to fix mortgage rates for longer periods. After all, this assured them of years of low interest costs, even if market rates should start rising again.

In 2022 and 2023, mortgage interest rates rose rapidly, making mortgages with a fixed-interest period of less than 10 years relatively more popular.

Topics residential mortgages