Mission and tasks
Work on trust. That's what we do at De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) as we focus on our various tasks, inspired by our core values: committed, open, dependable and alert. We work to safeguard stable prices, smooth and safe payments and robust and reliable financial institutions. In short, a stable financial system.
Our mission
We want to safeguard financial stability and thus contribute to sustainable prosperity in the Netherlands. To do so, as an independent central bank, supervisor and resolution authority, we work alongside our European partners to ensure:
- price stability and a balanced macroeconomic development in Europe
- a shock-resilient financial system and a secure, reliable and efficient payment system
- sound and ethical financial institutions that fulfil their obligations and commitments
By issuing independent economic advice, we strengthen policies aimed at our primary objectives.
Our tasks

Stable prices
In a prosperous society, prices should not go up or go down too much. That price stability is the main objective of our monetary policy. Ensuring stable prices is done mainly by steering interest rates. The European Central Bank (ECB) sets the interest rates for the countries that use the euro. The central bank governors of all euro area countries are voting members of the ECB's Governing Council. So our President, Klaas Knot, also has a say. The ECB also supports the European economy where needed by granting large loans and effecting large purchases and other transactions. Central banks conduct those transactions in their dealing rooms, so we do this too.
A shock-resilient financial system
We are committed to a stable financial system that is resilient and contributes to sustainable economic growth. We warn about risks that may harm the financial system as a whole. And we make the system more resilient, for example by imposing the duty on financial institutions to build additional buffers.
A smoothly functioning payment system
In shops, on the go or at home: wherever you are, you want to be able to make payments securely and efficiently. That is why we work to ensure a secure, reliable and efficient payment system. To do this, we make sure that banknotes are available in sufficient numbers and that they are delivered safely to shops and banks. Of course, those banknotes must be genuine, undamaged and clean. We continuously check all banknotes that circulate in the Netherlands and destroy damaged, soiled and counterfeit banknotes. In addition, we encourage innovation in online payments. We closely follow developments in such areas as financial technology and artificial intelligence. Also, we believe it is important that vulnerable population groups continue to have access to all modes of payment, both in shops and online.
Reliable financial institutions
You want to put your savings safely aside, you expect your insurer to pay out your claims and you want a decent pension if you paid contributions all your working life. For all your money matters, you want to rely on financial institutions, such as banks, insurers and pension funds. This makes them indispensable elements in our economy. We supervise these institutions. This means we monitor their financial health and check that their board members are fit and proper to fulfil their duties. We also verify whether they apply strict checks on their customers to prevent involvement in money laundering and terrorist financing.
Choosing the right approach for institutions in difficulties
Occasionally, a bank or insurer goes bankrupt. It is important that it does so in a controlled way. This task is called resolution. We oversee this process, ensuring that consumers and firms continue to have access to their money. This means there is no need for the government to intervene, spending taxpayer money. We also administer the Deposit Guarantee Scheme, which guarantees deposits of up to EUR 100,000 for each Dutch account holder per bank.
Our other activities
- We collect and publish statistics, some of them jointly with Statistics Netherlands (CBS). These data provide insight in such areas as pension funds, the housing market or all trade flows from the Netherlands across the globe.
- We also conduct research and write articles and reports on subjects relevant to our tasks. In addition, we publish economic forecasts.
- We provide economic advice to the Dutch government and are a member of the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER) and the Central Economic Commission (CEC).
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