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Latest news on sanctions against Russia


The European Union has imposed and announced various sanctions against Russia in the last few weeks. Follow the latest news on the sanctions and their impact on the financial sector, payments and the economy. We will update this page on a regular basis.

Published: 01 March 2022

Straatkunst (legale graffiti muur) met de kleuren blauw en geel om aandacht te vragen voor de oorlog in Oekraïne

12 April | News for the sector: Sanctions against Russia

On 8 April 2022, the European Union imposed new sanctions against Belarus and Russia. As this is an extraordinary situation, we are providing a brief explanation in this news release. Below, we discuss the sanctions in force at the time of posting of this news release.

Sanctions against Russia (status 12 April)

11 April| DNB & AFM Sanctions Alert

DNB and the AFM jointly inform you about the state of affairs regarding the European sanctions. This news item only relates to new sanctions and/or changes to existing sanctions regimes concerning the situation in Ukraine.

DNB & AFM Sanctions Alert – State of affairs concerning Russia and Ukraine – 11 April 2022

17 March| News for the sector: Sanctions against Russia - update (status 17 March)

 You must report all sanctions list hits to DNB. We have found that supervised institutions do not report everything. For the sake of clarification, we give some examples of hits that you must report to us.

Update sancties tegen Rusland (stand 17 maart)

16 March | Financial sector has €11.4 billion exposure to Russia

The latest figures available from DNB show that the Dutch financial sector had a direct exposure to Russia of approximately €11.4 billion in the fourth quarter of 2021.

Financial sector has €11.4 billion exposure to Russia

DNB & AFM Sanctions Alert – State of affairs concerning Russia and Ukraine

DNB and the AFM jointly inform you about the state of affairs regarding the European sanctions. This news item only relates to new sanctions and/or changes to existing sanctions regimes concerning the situation in Ukraine.

11 March | Increased cyberthreat due to the situation in Ukraine: DNB calls on financial institutions to remain alert

Many institutions and security providers warn of an increased cyberthreat to Western vital organisations from sophisticated Russian hackers. Dutch financial institutions also rate the threat in their sector as increased, and are attentive to developments. No attacks have yet been observed, but increased threat monitoring remains necessary.

Increased cyberthreat due to the situation in Ukraine: DNB calls on financial institutions to remain alert

11 March | News for the sector: Sanctions against Belarus and Russia (status 11 March)

On 9 March 2022, the European Union imposed new sanctions against Belarus and Russia. As this is an extraordinary situation, we are providing a brief explanation.

Sanctions against Belarus and Russia (status 11 March)

10 March | The sanctions against Russia at a glance

The European Union has imposed a range of financial sanctions against Russia in the last few days. An overview of the various sanctions.

The sanctions against Russia at a glance

10 March | DNB & AFM Sanctions alert

DNB & the AFM jointly inform you about the state of affairs regarding the European sanctions against Russia. This news item only relates to new sanctions and/or changes to existing sanctions regimes concerning the situation in Ukraine.

DNB & AFM Sanctions Alert – State of affairs concerning Russia and Ukraine – 10 March

8 March | Financial sanctions: who does what, and who monitors this?

What should banks, insurers, trust offices and other financial institutions do now that so many sanctions have been imposed? And is this process monitored? We will provide an overview below.

Financial sanctions: who does what, and who monitors this?

4 March | News for the sector: Sanctions against Russia (status 4 March)

On 28 February and 2 March 2022, the EU imposed new sanctions against Russia. As this is an extraordinary situation, we are providing a brief explanation in this news release. Below, we discuss the sanctions in force on 4 March 2022 at the time of dispatch.

Sanctions against Russia (status 4 March)

4 March | Five questions about SWIFT [update]

The European Union has decided to exclude several Russian banks from SWIFT. What is SWIFT, who does it belong to, and what are the consequences if banks are excluded from the system?

Five questions about SWIFT

4 March | IWhat does DNB expect institutions to do if they encounter a hit?

What are the obligations for complying with the Sanctions Act and what should you do if you encounter a hit?

What does DNB expect institutions to do if they encounter a hit?

3 March | DNB & AFM Sanctions alert – State of affairs concerning Russia and Ukraine – 3 March 2022

DNB & the AFM jointly inform you about the state of affairs regarding the European sanctions against Russia. This news item only relates to new sanctions and/or changes to existing sanctions regimes concerning the situation in Ukraine.

DNB & AFM Sanctions alert – State of affairs concerning Russia and Ukraine – 3 March 2022

2 March | Interview Klaas Knot BBC Radio 4

FSB Chair Klaas Knot today spoke about the effects of the sanctions measures on financial stability in an interview on BBC Radio 4. Click on the link to listen to the recorded interview, which starts from 1:18:00.

Interview Klaas Knot BBC Radio 4

2 March | The sanctions against Russia at a glance

The European Union has imposed a range of financial sanctions against Russia in the last few days. An overview of the various sanctions.

The sanctions against Russia at a glance

28 February | What do the sanctions against the Central Bank of Russia mean?

The European Union imposed sanctions against the Central Bank of Russia on 28 February. As a result, the Russian central bank can no longer access its assets at private institutions and central banks in the European Union. Other countries have imposed similar sanctions against Russia. How do these sanctions work and what are the consequences?

What do the sanctions against the Central Bank of Russia mean?

26 February | DNB & AFM Sanctions alert

DNB & the AFM jointly inform you about the state of affairs regarding the European sanctions against Russia. This news item only relates to new sanctions and/or changes to existing sanctions regimes concerning the situation in Ukraine.

DNB & AFM Sanctions Alert – State of affairs concerning Russia and Ukraine – 26 February 2022

27 February| Nine questions on the sanctions and economic consequences of the war

The European Union has imposed a range of sanctions on Russia. What are financial sanctions, what are the consequences of these sanctions for the Netherlands and how does the war affect our economy? Read our answers to the main questions.

Nine questions on the sanctions and the economic consequences of the war

24 February | News for the sector Sanctions declared against Russia

On 23 February 2022, the European Union imposed new sanctions against Russia. As this is an extraordinary situation, we are providing a brief explanation in this newsletter. Below, we discuss the sanctions in force on 24 February 2022 at the time of dispatch.

Sanctions declared against Russia

24 February | DNB & AFM Sanctions alert

DNB & the AFM jointly inform you about the state of affairs regarding the European sanctions against Russia. This news item only relates to new sanctions and/or changes to existing sanctions regimes concerning the situation in Ukraine.

DNB & AFM Sanctions Alert – State of affairs concerning Russia and Ukraine – 24 February 2022

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