Warning against MEK Global Limited, doing business as ‘KuCoin’


Published: 15 December 2022

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De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) announces that MEK Global Limited (MGL), doing business as ‘KuCoin’, is providing crypto services in the Netherlands without the required legal registration with DNB. This means MGL is not in compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Act (Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme – Wwft) and is illegally offering services for the exchange between virtual and fiduciary currencies and it is illegally offering custodian wallets.

Customers of MGL are not in violation. However, this may increase the risk of customers becoming involved in money laundering or terrorist financing.

If you want to know whether a crypto service provider is registered with DNB, you can consult the (Register of crypto service providers (dnb.nl)) on our website. You can read more information about cryptos in Everything you should know about cryptos. You can also contact our Information Desk by telephone at 0800 020 1068 (freephone in the Netherlands) or +31 20 524 9111 (if you call us from abroad).

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