Working groups
Sustainable Finance Platform
The financial sector, supervisory authorities and ministries together play a role in making the Netherlands more sustainable. They work together within the Sustainable Finance Platform.
Purpose of the platform
DNB established the platform in 2016, with the aim of promoting sustainability in the Netherlands, for example by removing barriers to sustainable financing and collaborating on sustainability initiatives.
Read the platform's vision, strategy and operating principles here.
What does the platform do?
The platform's working groups select a number of themes to work on. Each working group represents a wide range of parties from the financial sector and other relevant actors. The working group members work out a theme together and present their findings. The platform meets three times a year.
De Nederlandsche Bank (chair)
Cindy van Oorschot, Executive Director
Dutch Banking Association (Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken)
Medy van der Laan, Chair
Dutch Association of Insurers (Verbond van Verzekeraars)
Richard Weurding, Managing Director
Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association
Jeroen van Wijngaarden, Managing Director
Federation of the Dutch Pension Funds
Ger Jaarsma, Chair
Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets
Robert Mosch, Managing director Policy & Regulatory Affairs
Ministry of Finance
Joost Smits, Director of the Financial Markets Directorate
Ministry of Climate, Policy and Green Growth
Niels Kastelein, Director Climate
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security an Nature
Donné Slangen, Director-General for Nature and Fisheries
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
René Vrugt, Director of the Soil, Spatial Planning and Climate Adaptation Directorate
Marieke Spijkerboer, Director of the Sustainable Living Environment and Circular Economy Directorate
Sustainable Finance Lab
Brenda Kramer, Managing Director
Jellie Banga, member of the Executive Board
Jaime de Bourbon de Parme, Climate Envoy of the Netherlands, is an occasional member of the platform.
Datum |
Event |
Locatie |
2024 |
21 maart |
Platform Talk Special: De Nederlandse Klimaatdiplomatie – Klimaatgezant Jaime de Bourbon de Parme in gesprek met Olaf Sleijpen |
DNB en livestream |
18 maart |
Platform Talk: Hoe Blended Finance kan bijdragen aan het behalen van transitiedoelen, door Invest-NL |
webinar |
11 maart |
PvDF-subgroep |
DNB en Teams |
6 februari |
Event Kopgroep Circulair Financieren, Lancering Kopgroep partners & Showcase Circular Risk Scorecard |
Antropia |
22 januari |
Platform Talk: de Circular Risk Scorecard van de Kopgroep Circulaire Financiering |
webinar |
2023 |
21 december |
Publicatie en aanbieding eindrapport werkgroep Klimaatadaptatie aan minister Harbers (IenW) |
IenW |
6 december |
Seminar ‘Pensioenfondsen en natuur’; DNB, de Pensioenfederatie en de werkgroep Biodiversiteit. Zie hier het beeldverslag. |
27 november |
Platform Talk: preview van de uitkomsten van de werkgroep Klimaatadaptatie |
webinar |
24 november |
Bedrijfsbezoek Schiphol; werkgroep Communicatie |
Schiphol |
16 november |
Klimaatwerkconferentie, georganiseerd door het Verbond van Verzekeraars. Het Platform nam deel met een vraaggesprek met voorzitter Olaf Sleijpen en workshops van de werkgroep Klimaatadaptatie en de kopgroep Circulaire Financiering. |
VvV |
For general questions or comments, please email the platform secretariat at sfo@dnb.nl
For press enquiries, please email Tobias Oudejans.
The information and publications on this page reflect the considerations and efforts of the Platform for Sustainable Finance. As a member, DNB supports the platform’s efforts, but the content does not necessarily represent DNB's official position.
Working groups
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