02-04-2020 DNB publishes changed taxonomy for the SPV reporting

As earlier informed, the SPV report (F7001) for banks will be migrated to Digital Reporting Portal (Digitaal Loket Rapportages – DLR). The first report in XBRL-format via DLR will be over the first quarter of 2020.

The following adjustments have been made to the taxonomy called Securitisation vehicle v1.2.0, published today:


  • All assertions have a new error message

Tables T01.04

  • Table label (title) for T01.04 was changed.
  • Table T01.04 has a new dimension on the Z-axis (‘securitisation origin’).

The updated taxonomy contains 2 entrypoints (one for quarterly reporting and one for test purposes). 

The new taxonomy and the accompanying Release notes can be found under User documentation.