Residential Real Estate (RRE)

Here you can find news and user documentation on RRE reporting.

Residential Real Estate (RRE)

RRE reports allow us to gather detailed data on a quarterly basis on the residential mortgages extended by banks

News items

At the moment there are no news items.

RRE Manual

The RRE Manual provides detailed information and guidance on RRE reporting requirements. Its overall objective is to ensure a consistent and effective use.

Current technical documentation

Here you will find the technical documentation regarding v1.3 of the RRE-LDM. DNB will inform in due course the reporting banks about as of when this new version of the RRE LDM is to be implemented.

Future technical documentation

Here you will find the future technical documentation.

Other documentation

Here you will find other documentation for RRE.


Here you will find old documentation that is no longer updated and is no longer valid.


For information, questions and/or comments, please send an email to