Other processing operations

We also discern several other personal data processing operations. 

Drafting and researching monetary and economic policies 

One of our tasks is producing and making available statistics concerning the financial system. By means of this statistics task, we help policymakers, supervisory authorities and other stakeholders to make more informed decisions. In that way, the statistics task also contributes to our ambition to derive maximum value from data in the performance of our work.   

We have a policy-preparing task with regard to monetary and economic issues, which involves conducting research in support of policy activities and preparing economic models and projections. Where research uses surveys, data are anonymised as soon as possible. 

Personal data categories  

  • Pseudonymised personal data

Legal basis  
This personal data processing is necessary to carry out our tasks in the public interest tasks (Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR). 

Your data and third parties 
In the years to come, granular data will provide ever deeper insights. The aggregated statistics and analyses based on these data are made available via a website that presents the data in a more accessible form. Some reports (such as the Securities Financing Transactions Data Store) or data services are provided in cooperation with fellow supervisory authorities or government institutions. 

Internal control and policy support 


  • Monitoring data are used for quality control and quality improvement;  
  • Internal audits are performed to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. 

Personal data categories 
In principle, these could include all personal data processed within DNB. 

Legal basis  
The legal basis on which the personal data were originally processed is the legal basis for these processing operations. In many cases this will be necessary to carry out our tasks in the public interest tasks (Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR). 

Your data and third parties 
In principle, these data are not shared with third parties. 

Contact details of relations 
For operational purposes, it is necessary that we retain contact details of current and former directors and other contacts in a database to which access is strictly limited. 

Personal data categories  

  • Name and address 
  • Email address 
  • Telephone number 
  • Date of birth 

Legal basis  
We process this personal datum because we have a legitimate interest in the context of our operations (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR). 

Your personal data and third parties  
We do not provide your personal data to third parties. 


Access requests, Woo/Wob requests 
We process personal data in contexts in which data subjects exercise their rights under the GDPR or where there is an enquiry under the Open Government Act (Wet open overheid − Woo) or the Government Information (Public Access) Act (Wet openbaarheid van bestuur − Wob). 

Personal data categories  

  • These can be all personal data as processed by us. 

Legal basis  
We process this personal datum because we have a legal obligation to do so (Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR).

Your personal data and third parties  
Information provided under the Wob or the Woo is published. 


Incidental personal data processing operations
Photos may be taken at events or meetings which we may save and later use for internal publications or exhibitions. Prior to publishing, we assess whether publication will have any disproportionate negative consequences for the data subject involved. We remove photos at data subjects’ request.   

Personal data categories  

  • Your likeness  

Legal basis  
We processes this personal datum because we have a legitimate interest in the conduct and optimisation of our operations and in the achievement of other objectives, provided that your interests do not prevail (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR). 

Your personal data and third parties
We do not provide your personal data to third parties. 

Public consultation of DNB-policy statements

Part of the supervisory, macro-prudential, resolution and depositoguaranteesysteem tasks of DNB is policy-making. With the purpose of contributing to transparency, support and the quality of policy DNB makes use of public consultations, through which interested parties can contribute. DNB will in principle publish the content of all consultation responses on its website.

In case you provide personal data in your email DNB will only contact you in case we have questions regarding your consultation response.

Categories of personal data

  • E-mail address
  • Name
  • Function
  • Content of consultation response

Legal basis
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the tasks DNB performs (Article 6 paragraph 1 under e GDPR). Your name and function will only be published by DNB with your explicit consent (Article 6 paragraph 1 under a GDPR). You can withdraw your consent at any time by sending an e-mail to consultatie@dnb.nl.    

Your personal data and third parties
With the publication of consultation responses on our website your personal data is accessible for third parties. It is possible that DNB shares your personal data with other public entities if necessary for the policy-making.