Bitvavo B.V.
Payment service providers
- Statutory name: Bitvavo B.V.
- Trade name: Bitvavo B.V.
- Statutory seat: AMSTERDAM, NEDERLAND
- Chamber of Commerce: 68743424
- LEI code: 724500MX2WBKDJP9HE56
- Relation number DNB: R163129
- Category: Dienstverlener uitgezonderd van PSD2, Aanbieder cryptodiensten
- Disclosure Op dit platform wordt elektronisch geld in euro's aangehouden waarmee uitsluitend aan- en verkoop van crypto kan plaatsvinden. - Electronic money in euros is held on this platform with which only the purchase and sale of crypto can take place.
Business address
- Adress: Keizersgracht 281
- Postal code: 1016ED
- Place of residence: AMSTERDAM
- Country: Netherlands
Article | Activity | Date of entrance | Enddate |
Service Provider Excluded from scope of PSD2 (WFT 1:5a(2) k and l) | 1.2 Payment instrunments that can be used in a limited way: limited range of goods and services. | 18/02/2020 |