Register of covered bonds

The register of covered bonds relates to covered bonds issued under the old laws and regulations that were in force before the Dutch implementation of the Directive (EU) 2019/2162 into the Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht – Wft) and the Decree on Prudential Rules Wft (Besluit prudentiële regels Wft – Bpr). Under the old laws and regulations, which were in effect until 8 July 2022, banks had to register their covered bond programmes with DNB.

Covered bonds issued before 8 July 2022 under an existing programme are governed by the transitional regime. As of 8 July 2022, no new issuances can be made under a covered bond programme not adapted to the new laws and regulations. These programmes can still be found in this register.

New covered bond programmes and covered bond programmes that have been adapted to the new laws and regulations are assessed by DNB and - if deemed sufficient - added to the current list of covered bonds published by DNB pursuant to Section 1:109 Wft. This list and additional information on DNB's supervision of covered bonds can be found on this page.


We update the register every business day at 06:00.


We update the register every business day at 06:00.