DNB staff publish their research in the DNB Working Paper series. Many of these working papers are subsequently published in academic journals. For more information on working papers, and the publications of DNB staff, see the links below.
DNB Working Papers
DNB staff publish their research in the DNB Working Paper series, which are intended for publication in leading economics and finance peer-reviewed journals. The working papers are of interest to policymakers, academics, business and banking professionals, and the general public. The authors will be pleased to receive comments and remarks by email.
DNB Working Paper Series started in June 2004 and replaces earlier series like DNB Staff Reports, DNB Research Reports, PVK Reports, and PVK Studies. The views expressed in DNB Working Papers are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of DNB or the European System of Central Banks
Occasional Studies
Several times per year DNB issues an Occasional Study, a publication designed for a broader public than just economists. Occasional Studies cover a specific research or policy theme, contributing to national and international policy debates.
Our DNB Analysis series aims to provide insight into the analyses that we perform on current policy issues and to contribute to the discussion, both in the Netherlands and abroad.
Economists of De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) publish their research in leading economics and finance peer-reviewed journals and books.
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