The Policy Rule must be applied at both the consolidated and the solo level. The calculation of gross country exposure on the consolidated balance sheet may disregard exposures of the subsidiary that have been funded out of locally acquired funds.
Solo level – Application at the solo level means that a material concentration of direct exposures to residents, and exposures of the supervised institution to a subsidiary in a country with nonnegligible country risk, must satisfy the Policy Rule (Section 1, under d, read in conjunction with Section 2). Any exposures of the foreign subsidiary to third parties resident in the same country, and funding raised by the subsidiary in that same country, do not appear in the solo balance sheet of the supervised institution and are therefore ignored.
Consolidated level – In order to determine the size of the material concentration of exposures to a country with a nonnegligible country risk, total exposures to that country are reduced by total funds raised in that country by the same subsidiary – independently, so without recourse to the group. After all, if a country risk event (as defined in the Policy Rule) occurs, the resulting exposure of the Dutch-resident supervised institution is limited to the country risk ensuing from the direct exposures to the subsidiary in question. The rest of the loans provided by the subsidiary are ‘covered’ by locally acquired funding.
Explanatory notes – solo level
In the example below, solo supervision of the parent looks at the foreign subsidiary only insofar as the parent’s capital participation and parent's the loan to the subsidiary are concerned. The gross exposure to the subsidiary under the Policy Rule is 300. Note however, that if the other 2700 in exposures held by the parent contain elements that have to be added to the said 300, and the total must remain within the applicable thresholds under the Policy Rule.