Introduction to trust offices and Act on the Supervision of Trust Offices (Wtt)


Under the Act on the Supervision of Trust Offices it is forbidden to provide trust services without a licence. De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) may grant a licence if requested and is responsible for the supervision of trust offices.

Published: 09 October 2012

Without a licence it is forbidden under the Wtt:

  • to operate as a trust office in the Netherlands
  • for any entity with its seat outside the Netherlands to operate as a trust office by providing services to the Netherlands without a licence from DNB
  • to perform activities relating to the provision of trust services by a trust office that has its seat in a non-designated State and that does not have a licence from DNB

Under the Wtt DNB is responsible for supervising and licensing trust offices. In order to determine whether proposed activities require a licence, it first has to be decided whether the activities constitute trust services. The activities are not allowed to be performed until a licence has been granted.

Information on applying for a licence as a trust office