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Access to statistics through API Services

We are making our statistics available through an application programming interface (API). This API is generally available and allows the automatic retrieval of data from DNB Statistics. Read more below about access to the API and the terms of use. 

A portion of the current datasets that can be viewed and downloaded from our website are also available through the API. Datasets that we no longer update are only available on the website.

DNB is making its current datasets available through the API in phases. Which datasets are currently available can be found when you access the DNB Statistics API. It is also visible when you access a table on the Data search page of, through the presence or absence of an API tab. If you have any questions or requests regarding making a specific dataset available in the API, you can contact

Access and communication

To view the technical documentation of the DNB Statistics API and create a subscription to use the API, please register through My DNB. Log in using an eHerkenning account that you may already use for My DNB or create a new My DNB account. Step-by-step instructions are provided on My DNB. Then navigate to DNB API Services, where you can create a subscription for the 'Public' product under 'Products'. Under ‘APIs', go to 'DNB Statistics API' to view the different endpoints of the available datasets. Under ‘DNB API Services’ and 'Starter’s Guide', you will find more information about using DNB's public APIs.


Although we compile the data with the utmost care and we believe they accurately represent factual circumstances at the time of their release, we do not vouch for their accuracy, currency or completeness at all times. We accept no liability for any damage or loss resulting from the use of (or inability to use), reliance on or actions taken on the basis of data available through the API, nor do we warrant the API’s operation without error or interruption. The datasets are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) licence. When using the data, you must give appropriate credit to DNB. You must also provide a licence notice and indicate if changes were made. You may adapt the data, but not in any way that suggests we endorse your adaptations or your use.