DNB’s balance sheet
The DNB Balance sheet dashboard presents the balance sheet of De Nederlandsche Bank.
Navigate to dashboard about DNB’s balance sheetIn the dashboards below, we present the main trends in the financial sector and the balance of payments. The charts in the dashboards are updated in real-time as soon as new data become available, which means they are always up to date. The series used in the dashboards only represent a small selection of the data tables available in the database. Series not included in the dashboards can be found on the Data search page. There are several export options for each of the charts in a dashboard, and you can save the charts as images. It is also possible to download series of charts. You can use the "embed" option to include the chart in another website. It will then be updated automatically.
The DNB Balance sheet dashboard presents the balance sheet of De Nederlandsche Bank.
Navigate to dashboard about DNB’s balance sheetThe total assets and invested assets of Dutch investment funds.
Navigate to dashboard about Investment FundsThe Balance of Payments provides an overview of the transactions between the Netherlands and other countries.
Navigate to dashboard about Balance of PaymentsThis dashboard presents the leading stock exchanges.
Navigate to dashboard about Financial marketsStatistics about the impact of climate change on the Dutch financial sector and the financing of the transition to a more sustainable economy.
Navigate to dashboard about Sustainability in the Dutch financial sectorThe External assets dashboard shows the financial interconnections between the Dutch economy and that of other countries.
Navigate to dashboard about External assetsThe macroeconomic scoreboard is an instrument for early identification of macroeconomic imbalances, occurring in the short term or as a result of ...
Navigate to dashboard about Macroeconomic scoreboardThis dashboard shows a number of indicators of Dutch-based banks under DNB's supervision.
Navigate to dashboard about Key data for individual banksThis dashboard shows the size of non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI) in the Netherlands.
Navigate to dashboard about Non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI)DNB supervises different types of financial institutions. This dashboard provides an overview.
Navigate to dashboard about Supervised entitiesThis dashboard shows macroeconomic statistics on pension funds and data about the supervision of the Dutch pension sector.
Navigate to dashboard about Pension fundsThis dashboard shows a selection of interest rates per month. View the 3-month interest rate (Euribor) and the interest rates by banks.
Navigate to dashboard about Interest ratesThe volume and trends of Dutch households' savings at banks in the Netherlands.
Navigate to dashboard about Household savingsThis dashboard presents a few indicators related to the structure of the Dutch banking system.
Navigate to dashboard about Structure of the banking sectorThis dashboard shows macroeconomic statistics on Dutch insurers and data about the supervision of the Dutch insurance sector.
Navigate to dashboard about InsurersThis dashboard shows exchange rates with a daily and monthly frequency.
Navigate to dashboard about Exchange ratesIn this dashboard you will find information about residential mortgages issued by Dutch financial institutions to Dutch households.
Navigate to dashboard about Residential mortgagesThe Corporate lending dashboard shows the volume and trends of corporate lending by Dutch non-financial corporations from banks in the Netherlands.
Navigate to dashboard about Corporate lendingThe securities holdings in various Dutch sectors, such as financial institutions, the public sector and households.
Navigate to dashboard about Dutch securities holdings