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EMIR - Publicatieblad EU


Een overzicht van de lagere regelgeving staat op de website van de Europese Commissie. Het gaat dan om technische reguleringsnormen en technische uitvoeringsnormen. Per 9 september 2013 waren de volgende technische regulerings- en uitvoeringsnormen gepubliceerd.

Gepubliceerd: 10 december 2015

Bekijk eerdere versies in het archief

Regulatory technical standards:

  • Regulatory technical standards on capital requirements for central counterparties (152/2013)
  • Regulatory technical standards on requirements for central counterparties (153/2013)
  • Regulatory technical standards on indirect clearing arrangements, the clearing obligation, the public register, access to a trading venue, non-financial counterparties, risk mitigation techniques for OTC derivatives contracts not cleared by a CCP (149/2013)
  • Regulatory technical standards on the minimum details of the data to be reported to trade repositories (148/2013)
  • Regulatory technical standards specifying the details of the application for registration as a trade repository (150/2013)
  • Regulatory technical standards specifying the data to be published and made available by trade repositories and operational standards for aggregating, comparing and accessing the data (151/2013)

Implementing technical standards

  • Implementing technical standards on requirements for central counterparties (1249/2012)
  • Implementing technical standards on the minimum details of the data to be reported to trade repositories (1247/2012)
  • Implementing technical standards specifying the details of the application for registration as a trade repository (1248/2012)
  • Validation table (updated 4 November 2015)